FUNDRAISER INQUIRYPLANNING A FUNDRAISER? WE CAN HELP!Please complete the inquiry form below. Fundraiser Inquiry Form Organization must have a minimum of 100 members to participate in the event to make a reservation. Fundraisers occur on Wednesday and Friday from 4-11pm. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### What is the name of the organization? * What is a good mailing address for your organization? * This is the address we will use to send a check to after your event occurs. What is your organizations tax ID number? * 📅 What dates are you interested in? Please provide several options. * What description best fits your group? * K-12 Grade School Elementary School Middle School High School College Group Sports Team Church Group Other For planning purposes, how many guests do you anticipate participating in the fundraiser event? * Please explain in as much detail as possible, the purpose of your fundraiser - who or what is it for? What goal(s) are you striving to accomplish? * Have you ever hosted or attended a group event at our facility before? * Yes No How did you hear about us? * Frequent Customer Email Newsletter Referred by a Friend/Family Attended a Party Google/Online Advertisement Facebook/Instagram Thank you!